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When political posters use the cigar…

The cigar has occupied a prominent place on posters of political propaganda since the beginning of the twentieth century.

It all began in 1910 with a poster signed by Jules Grandjouan for the Railway Workers’ Union (affiliated with the CGT). Here are some emblematic posters.

By Jean Pascal Grosso

affiches politiques lors de la grève des cheminots en 1910

First appearance of the cigar on a political poster during the railway strike in 1910

affiches créées pour les législatives de mai 1924

Le « pressoir du peuple »:poster created for the legislative elections of May 1924

affiches éditées entre 1941 et 1944.

Preserved at the Shoah Memorial in Paris, a poster published between 1941 and 1944.

type d'affiches pendant la crise du pétrole, septembre 1975.

The French Socialist Party during the Oil Crisis, September 1975

Affiches antinucléaires du CRIN, juin 1976.

Antinuclear poster, June 1976.

type d'affiches 1973, contre Georges Pompidou.

1973, against Georges Pompidou.

Affiches de 2009 issue des archives du Parti communiste

Poster of 2009 from the archives of the French Communist Party.

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